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Your chance to make a real difference

“Bringing wetlands back into a healthier condition on a large scale will transform lives and livelihoods. With water sources and stores intact, we can recover freshwater supplies and withstand unpredictable rains. Cities will become cooler and wild fires less likely. Crop production and fisheries can recover and diversify as biodiversity and water flows will be restored. Coastal settlements and cities can be safe from the impacts of storms and sea-level rise. Climate change will slow down as carbon is locked up in wetlands. People’s spirit will be enriched and refreshed by nature that is flourishing once again.”

– Jane Madgwick, Wetlands International, Chief Executive Officer

Working at Wetlands International

Wetlands International is an independent global network organisation working to inspire and mobilise society to safeguard and restore wetlands in more than 100 countries worldwide.

We are proud to have a network of highly professional and motivated staff, who are passionate about our mission. Our staff has a diverse educational, cultural, and professional background. We are hydrologists, ornithologists, ecologists, communicators, project managers, finance experts, and much more. This diversity enables us to learn from each other and to shape our international programmes to create more impact.


We are always on a lookout for individuals that can complement our current teams and offer up a multitude of skills. So if our mission resonates with you and you think you can be an asset to our team, then check out our vacancies below! 

Wetlands International is an Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, colour, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic. We expect the same commitment from our staff.


Wetlands International, Global Office

Wetlands International Panama – Latin America and Caribbean

Wetlands International Supervisory Council (global)

Do you think you have the relevant skills and experience to work at Wetlands International, but there are currently no vacancies? Then you can submit an open application for the role you want at any time. Send us a copy of your CV in an email to [email protected] with the subject ‘Open Application + the stream or department of your interest‘ and outline the following:

  • why we need you and what you’ll bring to the team
  • your top skills
  • why you want to work at Wetlands International
  • which location(s) you would be interested in and permitted to work in

Adding the stream or department of your interest to the subject line, makes it possible for us to easily forward your application to the applicable department.

Please note that we won’t consider applications without any accompanying letter of motivation and resume. Following your application, we will get in touch with you if any opportunities matching your skills and experience level arise. We don’t accept applications from third parties or recruitment agencies.

Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn for updates.


We often take on interns from various educational institutions, and aim to provide both the opportunity to learn and grow in various areas. The internship can be for general work experience or a graduate assignment. A mentor is assigned to assure the learning experience and the desired goals of the internship are maximised. If you are interested in an internship please send an email to [email protected] with in the subject line ‘Internship + the stream or department of your interest‘.

Adding the stream or department of your interest to the subject line, makes it possible for us to easily forward your application to the applicable department.

Find out more about working at Wetlands International below:

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Hear what our team has to say…

“One of the things I love at Wetlands International is that we share a lot of information and knowledge with each other around the network. There is always someone available for consultation on a specific topic. Another thing is that we work with a clear focus, vision and mission.” – Titus Wamae, Regional Policy and Advocacy Officer, Eastern Africa

“Working at Wetlands International has been a transformative experience for me. One of the nicest things about working here is the wonderful people I have had the chance to meet and work with, and the stories they share from their own experiences and learnings. People are always there to guide you and challenge you to look at the world around us with kinder, wider eyes.” – Nikita Tiwari, Social Media Intern, Global Office

“I enjoy working out in the field. When I walk through the mangroves, or across an abandoned rice field, I feel a very close connection to the place and people we’re working so hard to protect. We also get to engage and empower the people living in and around the mangroves, and I think that’s amazing.” – Menno de Boer, Technical Officer, Eastern Africa