

We are the global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. Our vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured […]


Meet Our Team

We have a staff of approximately 150 people working in our network of offices in Europe, Africa, South, East and North Asia and Latin America. Our global office is based in the Netherlands. All of our offices contribute to develop and implement our global Strategy and work to achieve its global targets. This is our team in the Global office. Read more...



Interested in working for Wetlands International? Take a look at our vacancies. Read more...



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Why Wetlands Matter

Wetlands cover a small percentage of the earth's surface, yet they are essential systems - they are the arteries and veins of the landscape. A world without wetlands would be a world without water, waterbirds and people. Read more...


Vibrant Coasts and Deltas

Mangroves, mudflats, saltmarshes and sea grasses in deltas and along the coast provide millions of people with a vital source of income and protect them from the ravages of storms and floods. We work towards resilient coastal landscapes and the protection of their unique biodiversity.



Our public and private donors, which include government and multilateral institutions, private foundations and corporates, finance projects, usually with a specific geographic and thematic focus and deliverables that contribute to our mission.



We work in partnership with many different partners, including NGOs, private sector parties, and governments. We are also official partners of several global intergovernmental conventions. We are a reviewer of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPPC, and we are an official International Organization Partner of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.


How We Work

Wetlands are as vital to the planet as rainforests. That is why we are dedicated to their conservation and restoration. We do this by understanding and tackling the underlying causes of wetland loss and damage. Our knowledge-base and advocacy enables action to safeguard and restore wetlands, and to use them in sustainable ways. Read more...


Integrated delta management

Deltas are complex environments, consisting of a patchwork of different ecosystem types and land uses. Stakeholder perspectives and interests are equally diverse. We help integrated knowledge about ecosystem values and local risks and solutions into planning processes and investment decisions.